School psychological service




Purpose: to create optimal conditions for maintaining the psychological health of the subjects of the educational process.




  • Providing psychological and pedagogical support.


  • The development of students’ skills to navigate the world of adults, take an active life position, overcome the difficulties of adaptation in modern society, and make an informed choice of profession.


  • Increasing the level of parental competence, activating the role of parents in creating optimal conditions for the development of the child


  • Creation and maintenance of a favorable psychological climate in the team and development of teachers’ psychological and pedagogical competence.


Areas of work of the psychological service


  1. Diagnostic work


  1. Correctional and developmental work


  1. Consulting work with students, their parents, teachers, specialists


  1. Educational and preventive work


  1. Accompanying the development of gifted students


  1. Formation of skills of free and responsible choice in professional orientation



Online consultations


Online individual and group consultations on Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and WhatsApp networks. Group and individual lessons according to the work schedule of psychologists from 8.00–18.00.



Advice from a psychologist


Rule 1. Workload. Do not simultaneously send your child to the first grade and some section or circle after school. The very beginning of school life is considered a great stress for 6–7 year-old children. If the child does not have the opportunity to walk, relax, and do homework without haste, he may have health problems; neurosis may begin. So if music and sports seem necessary to your child’s upbringing, start taking him there a year before school starts or from second grade.



Rule 2. Computer. A computer, TV, and any activities that require a lot of visual loads should last no more than an hour a day – this is what ophthalmologists and neuropathologists in all countries consider.

Rule 3. Praise. More than anything, your child needs support during the first year of school. He not only forms his relationships with classmates and teachers but also, for the first time, understands that someone wants to be a friend with him and someone does not. At this time, the child develops his view of himself. And if you want a calm and self-confident person to grow out of him, praise him. Support, do not scold for deuces and dirt in the notebook. All these are trifles compared to your child losing faith in himself from endless reproaches and punishments.


Rule 4. Awakening. There is no need to wake the child; he may feel a sense of dislike for the mother, who always bothers him, pulling off the blanket. Much better to teach him how to use the alarm clock. If the child gets up with difficulty, you do not need to tease him as “lazy.” You can solve the problem differently: put the alarm clock five minutes earlier: “Yes, I understand, for some reason, I don’t want to get up today. Lie down for another five minutes.” These words create an atmosphere of warmth and kindness instead of shouting. You can turn on the music. When a child is rushed in the morning, he does everything even more slowly. No need to rush once again; it’s better to say the exact time and indicate when he should finish what he is doing: “In 10 minutes, you have to go to school.” “It’s already 7 o’clock; in 30 minutes, we sit down for breakfast.”


Rule 5. Return from school. Do not ask questions to which children give familiar answers.. – How are things at school? – Fine. – What did you do today? — Nothing. What did you get? etc. Remember how annoying this question was sometimes, especially when the grades did not meet the parents’ expectations (“they want my grades, not me”)? Observe the child and what emotions are “written” on his face. (“Was the day difficult? You probably barely waited for the end. Are you glad that you came home?” “Dad has come.” Let him rest, read the newspapers, and do not bring down all complaints and requests on him. In the evening, at dinner, when the whole family will be in the gathering, you can talk, but over food, it is better to talk about good things, heart to heart. This brings the family together.


Rule 6. It’s time for bed. Children are best put to bed by their parents. Before going to bed, you can talk confidentially with him, listen carefully, calm his fears, and show that you understand the child; then, he will learn to open his soul, free himself from fears and anxiety, and fall asleep peacefully. It is not necessary to enter into an argument if the child reports that he forgot to wash and drink.