Meiram Zhakenov

  • Date of birth -1954
  • Kazakh
  • Education – higher
  • in 1976 finished the Karaganda polytechnical institute with qualification of an “Engineer-teacher”
  • in 1990 – was graduated from the Leningrad state university with qualification «Portuguese language»

Meiram Amirzhanovich  had begun his labour activity in 1977 as the teacher, then the deputy director for study of the Kokchetav industrial and pedagogical technical school.

In 1990-1993 worked in Angola as the teacher of techniques and psychology at the teacher training college, the translator of the Portuguese language.

Since 1993 up to 2000 worked as the deputy director of the teaching -methodical centre of the Karaganda area, then – the deputy director for study of the school for gifted children “Murager” in the city of Karaganda.

In 2008 he had been appointed as the director of the first Intellectual school of physical and mathematical direction.

Since September 2022 he has been working as the director of Alpamys school

Meiram Amirzhanovich is the author of many scientific works opening intellectual activity of the gifted children. His developments on themes: «the Scientific organisation of intellectual activity of the gifted children», «Rating system of estimation of competence of pupils» are introduced in practice of work of Karaganda schools, South Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda areas.

He was awarded by the Certificate of honour and the Republic of Kazakhstan, Y.Altynsarin’s medal of the Ministry of Education and Science, is honourable educator of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Meiram Amirzhanovich loves poetry very much.