Atlas of new professions

Atlas of new professions is a collection of professions that, according to experts of each industry, are already in demand and will appear in the near future. Such a close future for us in this Atlas is defined for 5–10 years.

In order to determine which professions will be relevant in 5–10 years, the Foresight methodology (Foresight) is used. The Foresight Methodology assumes that:

  • The future cannot be guaranteed or predicted;
  • The future depends on our actions and efforts in the present;
  • The development of the future has many options, and we can choose the scenario that suits us more.

The new professions identified in the Atlas make it possible to understand what competencies and workers will be in demand in the future by the introduction of new technologies.

In the Atlas of new professions you can find a description of 3 groups of professions:

  • New professions – professions that do not yet officially exist, but are highly likely to appear in the near future;
  • Transforming professions are already existing professions and specialties that are highly likely to change a lot;
  • Disappearing professions are those professions and specialties that with a high degree of probability will not be in demand in the near future.